A not-for-profit organization named « Centre for Strategies on Security in the Sahel and Sahara » (Centre 4 S) is created for an initial period of five years.
The aim of Centre 4 S is to study, analyze and propose actions for current and future issues of interest to the states in the Sahel and the Sahara region, and to their international partners. The opportunities and challenges presented by the region, as well as the underlying risks and the threats, constitute the basis for Centre 4 S activities.
The main added value of Centre 4 S is to promote a pragmatic approach to the real problems affecting the life of the people and the future of the states in the region. Being rooted in the region, with geographic proximity and keen sensitivity to its challenges, Centre 4 S is a prime partner for governments and other institutions concerned by and interested in recent and future developments in the Sahel and Sahara.
Centre 4 S will have its headquarters in Nouakchott, Mauritania. One or more liaison offices may be opened in other countries as needed.
Centre 4 S activities will be centered on the following priority areas:
o issues of defense and security;
o violence and terrorism;
o competition for oil, gas and uranium;
o irregular migrations within and outside of the region;
o trafficking in humans, cigarettes, drugs, etc.;
o protection and renewable energies.
These priority areas will be the focus for research, study, and analysis. Using the expertise of specialists familiar with the situation in the Sahel and the Sahara and with similar experiences from other regions, the centre aims to offer answers to its problems inherent in each area.
In cooperation with its partners, Centre 4 S will:
Organize conferences and seminars on selected topics related to the priority areas mentioned above. These conferences will be held in the region with national, regional or international participation.
Organize workshops for students, diplomats, officials from public administrations and security institutions. Representatives from the private sector will also be invited to participate in these activities.
Publish documents related to its regular activities, in particular on the above events. Periodic issue papers on themes of particular importance in or of relevance to the region are foreseen.
To ensure a high level of expertise in the areas of interest to Centre 4 S, the organization will reach out regionally and internationally to governments, inter-governmental organizations, civil society actors, universities and the private sector. When the need arises Centre 4 S will seek the contribution of eminent personalities well versed in the issues affecting the region.
During an initial transition period of 12 to 18 months, Centre 4 S will be directed by a President. The President will be assisted by a Secretariat consisting of an Executive Administrator, responsible for the daily management of the Centre, and an Administrator, responsible for finance issues. National and regional experts will assist the President in achieving the objectives of the centre. It is foreseen that international experts will be called upon to assist on a full- or part-time basis.
A Board, comprising five members, will be nominated for the transitional period. One or two international observers will join them to represent external partners who contributed to the financing of Centre 4 S activities.
An independent auditor will evaluate the management of the Centre. The audit report will be made available to all Centre 4 S donors.
Centre 4 S will be present on the Internet through its own website. This website will be managed from Centre 4 S Headquarters and will be regularly updated. The site will serve as a tool to keep all Centre 4 S contributors and stakeholders informed of its activities.